Independent Learning – Greg Archer
by garcher
- May 8
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So I have been using for a while now and I have used it for a whole lot of different things. The course, or courses, that I generally find the most helpful, at least when starting out with something new like a program are the “essential” group of courses that Lynda has. These usually are fairly long to go through but give you a pretty good walk through. The one I used which related to the first final project I was trying (which I had to scrap due to issues with Unity) was the Unity 3D: 3.5 Essential Training (Unity Basics) It starts would simple and walks you through a lot of the basics that you need to understand the software.
Another series of videos that I used to try and help my Unity development I found on Youtube. I wanted to mention this because I think its important to get help and info from anywhere you can and I found this series of videos pretty helpful. There were a total of 15 of them, covering a range of stuff related to build a horror game in Unity. Links are provided below.
YouTube Ryandome Channel: