Assignment 3 Horror Story Team Project: LET ME OUT- Kanda Fang
by cfang101
- October 1
- in
Repost from Alina:
Team members: Alina Li, Baiyu Gao, Kanda Fang, Lillion Hunt, Shiyi Liu
We filmed in a restroom without mirror in Newhouse. We discussed a lots of details before filming, for example, the position of camera, the walking path of the ghost, and how to knock the doors. The plot of the girl washing hands was not in our original idea, but we wanted to draw people's attention and let audience turn around. We found a lot problems when we were shooting: persons behind each door could not stand on the floor because of the shadow, the way ghost walked could not create the sense of horror. And we found a big trouble when we started editing. The height of two shots were different so the transition was not smooth at all. We set the height the same as our height but it looked higher after we uploaded it on computer. Also, the tripod covered a lot of screen that the token could not even cover. So we decided to film it again. The second time was quicker and more successful than the first time. We brought the chocolate syrup to make it scarier. The ghost walked through a lot of positions and tried to crawl down this time in order to get the best shot.
This video was not scary at all without the sound and lighting effects. We filmed the story with the lights on. So we adjusted the color of the video to make it darker. We tried to dub everything in post but it was hard to sync sound with image together.
This experience is definitely interesting.
My thoughts on this assignment:
As mentioned above, the actual filming was nothing like what we've planned. And we eventually had to re-film everything after our first attempt to edit. We moved the camera too many times; we had jump cuts everywhere; we had a crew member in the scene moving behind the door. We were in a rush to re-film and edit. It was a little hard to manage because two of our members were out of town for the weekend. But the final version of our project turns out to be better than expected as it scared me a little bit when I was editing in the middle of the night in the innovation lab. It was definitely an unusual experience.
Without the soundtrack, our piece wouldn't be this scary at all. It was not easy to sync all the SFX with what's happening on screen. I tried a lot of stuff during the sound design process. The exploring was fun. I'm taking a sound for production sound this semester and we talk about how sound and picture work together a lot in class. It was all conceptual but with this 360 assignment it really helped me to understand the relationship between what we are hearing and what we are seeing on screen.