Glatz Assignment 5
by bkglatz
- February 23
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The scene that I created is mountainous with some forestry and an assortment of objects. The main purpose of this was to explore and become more comfortable using Unity. Along the way I had a lot of questions and I definitely think I'll need more guidance and practice, but I'm already starting to feel more comfortable with the program than I originally thought I would.
One thing that I never really figured out how to do was create creators. I saw other people making them by holding the shift key down while they were using the tool to build mountains. When I tried this though, it didn't work out. Doing so only erased mountains that I had already created when I scrubbed my cursor over them. I think that creators could have made an interesting addition, especially as they would act as a place to put in water.
Speaking of water, that was another thing that I couldn't quite master. I was unsure if one was supposed to put in several prefabs of water or if one was sufficient and you were supposed to just enhance its size. I also would like to figure out how to to change that original shape from a perfect circle into something that is more realistic.
I was able to do everything that was assigned such as change the directional light, add a different texture to the mountains, and etc. I would like to spend more time doing these things to perfect them and make them more realistic looking in the future.
I also would like to learn more about the assets that I added into the scene. Specifically, I am still confused on how to make them animated and why only some of the objects that one can insert are animated. Also how to loop the sound or make it so that you only hear the sound as you approach an object.
I think that a lot of things could be done to create in these types of scenes such as a virtual walk through a city or even create interactive learning experiences that recreate world landmarks or historical sites that don't exist any more or are too far away for a visitor. This way the viewer could navigate through the scene and be able to experience it and even learn more about the place.
Also in an ideal world, one could adjust the view so that could could see more of a birds eye view to see their location in the scene while still in "play" mode. This may already be possible, but I'm not sure how to do it so if there is a way to do that, I'd be very interested in learning how to do that because as one creates larger scenes, I feel like it will be very easy to get lost.