Final Project Requirements
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- April 13
- in
Please be sure to do the following when you turn in your final project.
360 Videos
- Upload into the class YouTube and Littlstar accounts.
- Upload the full-resolution MP4 into the NHSTorm class server (Mac only).
- Also, copy the full-res MP4 onto the Oculus PC (Alienware) in the innovation lab and test it in Kolor Eyes in the Oculus.
CGI Scenes from Unity
- Create a screencast using Quicktime or other screencasting software that walks through your scene.
- Save a Windows export for either Oculus, or HTC Vive, on the appropriate computer in the Innovation Lab and test your project out on it. Instructors will go through your project in VR as part of the grading.
Blog Post
Write a blog post that links to all of the above, and tell the story of your project from start to finish. What did you set out to do? What did you learn as you began working on it? What did you try that didn't work, and how did you pivot your project in order to complete it? What tutorials or other online resources did you use? And mention anything else that would help someone who is inspired by your project to not have to reinvent the wheel.
Project files
There is no need to give us the full project files, unless we request them of you. The only case in which we will request project files will be if there's something we need to tweak in order to make the project work, or with your permission, we want to demo your project to future classes on future VR headsets, which would require modifying the project.