Final Project: NFL QB Simulator

Final Project: NFL QB Simulator

So with this project I aimed to show how hard it was to be an NFL QB. I wanted to make an accurate experience and while I succeed in some respects, I felt I was hindered a bit, unless I spent over 200 dollars (no animations for defenders, no facemask camera). I also felt I was held back because to put it bluntly, Unity is not a good program. Most of what I was doing was made 1000x more tedious because Unity is clunky. The movement was clunky, the controls dont do the same thing every time. For example, when I was trying to make routes for the WR I used cubes just like you showed me, but half the time the model would go wildly off in another direction. When I checked the coordinates, models that are very close had wildly different numbers. It made no sense and took forever. Also the saves were corrupted twice and I had to restart. Also you cannot fast foward the preview play mode, so everytime I made a potential fix I had to sit through 4-6 minutes before it got back to the same point. I would love to offer help to others, but all I did was trial and error for hours until I got something even remotely close. Maybe, if I had more time with Unity and Playmaker I would get it more smoothly but it is not user friendly at all.


Link to project:

Link to YouTube video (Now with sound! The recording kept cutting off the first 5 seconds and making the audio sound bad though so I apologize):

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