Final (individual) project- Flavin
by Madison Kulkarni
- December 18
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I found the final project to be a daunting undertaking. For me, the virtual reality class has always been a struggle that I have tried my hardest to learn from, in spite of how difficult it was at times. I still don't consider technology or animation to be a strong suit of mine. Still, looking back, I can say that I dabbled in virtual reality and can do some aspects of it.
For my final project in Unity, I decided to create a dreamscape within a subconscious. It was such a goofy idea but it stuck with me. I wanted the world to make sense but, at the same time, not make sense because that's the nature of dream landscapes. The landscape had a circular path with two possible beginnings. Along the way of the path, there was a baker's wife, a medieval house, some spooky mountains, and some hills with a campfire. I also included a pond with a whale inside it and a dock on the outside of it. At the two beginnings, I placed a well and a bed. Between the well and the bed was a pavilion. I placed my first-person controller near the bed because, when the viewer begins the experience, it is as if the viewer is the sleeper who has just woken up in the world of the dreamscape, going, "Where am I?" I wanted there to be elements of fantasy and surrealism because, in both genres, there aren't really any rules to abide by. I also wanted for each aspect of the landscape to provide a glimpse into who this dreamer might be as a person. After all, there is an illogical logic to the dreams each person has when they sleep at night.
In creating the landscape within Unity, I both used the creation tools available in Unity as well as free assets from the asset store and free sounds from Free Sound. I created sphere colliders around most of the objects and attached audio to those sphere colliders. I wanted each sound to give a taste of each location.
Even if virtual reality and I didn't get along at times, I can still say that I learned about virtual reality from being in this class. I would never have learned this kind of information elsewhere. Even if I was terrible at creating virtual reality experiences, I still learned how the job gets done. Like me, virtual reality remains a work in progress.