Carla Sertin – Stitching very similar videos in Auto Pano
by Carla Sertin
- February 20
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My group filmed three dancers doing a routine to Beyonce's "Formation". Because we filmed in Studio D, which has a wraparound black curtain, the backgrounds looked really similar and Autopano had a meltdown trying to figure out how to stitch the videos together -- to be brief, one of the dancers was working it on the ceiling...
I googled the problem and found that you can use a template panorama to help Autopano figure out where each video should go. Basically, you take an existing 360 video project (the file from Autopano) with the same naming conventions as the project you're currently working on. I took a sample 360 video from one of the computers, made a copy, and then changed the names of the input videos to correspond with the files for my project (e.g: the top camera was called CAM_6 in the sample video and in the dance video). In AutoPano Video, instead of stitching it as a GoPro video, click "template panorama." Then you can select the video project that has file names corresponding to yours (the ones I renamed before). At that point, it should work out.
But it didn't! While our gravity-defying dancer came back down to Earth, she was still in the wrong position and the change had created an extra Nadir. Still, it was better than the original. To manually move each video around, you can click on "Image Mode" tool. Its icon in the toolbar is an arrow pointing at a blue block that has grey blocks on either side. in that mode, you can select each video (one through six) and enter values at the bottom of the screen for pitch, yaw, and roll (basically moving and rotating the video). It worked out for me, but can be time consuming.
If you have any easier/less time consuming ways to do this, please share!