Carla Sertin Final Project Post
by Carla Sertin
- May 10
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We wanted to create a tour that would give viewers an understanding of Newhouse through the lens of innovation. From Newhouse 1 to the Innovation Lab, our school has a history of media innovation.
Through the process of filming and editing the project I learned the importance of planning ahead. We tried some things that we didn't think would cause issues in post-production, like crossing the stitch line at about 7ft distance from the camera. They caused issues in post-production and we had to reshoot a scene, which ended up being for the best.
Another thing I learned was to never trust GoPro Studio. It deleted the MP4 files from one of our cameras on our shoot outside of Newhouse, leaving me with the LRV files. I changed them to MP4 files, but the frame rate isn't the same as regular MP4 files and the quality of the video suffered drastically.
We wanted to add gaze-based selection for the user to choose which building to tour, but it would require building an app in Unity and we didn't have enough time or knowledge to add that feature. As such, we created the video in three parts and also as a cohesive whole, so users can watch them all together or as individual units. That's probably the best thing I learned from this experience -- tell the story. You can add great effects and features, but that doesn't matter as long as you're telling a cohesive story, so you should focus on that and then add the pretty stuff if you can.