Over time, during this semester, I have come to enjoy Unity a lot more than I had expected. The idea of making 3D games and models to tell stories intrigues me. As a public relations professional, I believe Unity has a lot of potential to be tool for creating tactics that can be included in PR campaigns for brands. As a result, I chose to create my final assignment in Unity. I chose my second pitch that I had given in the class a few weeks ago. This idea was...
I used the Trnio app to upload a 3D model of a hat that I found in my apartment. I have been 3D scanning objects since last week and have not been able to get a decent scan. Finally, I was able to find the right space where I can walk around the object and get multiple pictures from all angles. The lighting was good and I was able to upload the scan to Sketchfab easily. I also noted that once the final upload is done on Sketchfab, the image...
Assignment 5&6 – Samarth Sharma
by ssharm24
- March 22
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Working on Unity is fun but challenging at the same time. My aim was to create a sequence of triggers where the first person triggers one object and the triggered object then subsequently triggers a second object once it interacts with the collider of the second object. It took me some time to figure this out. However, learning to do so fun and opened new possibilities for me on Unity. I was able to make one asset trigger another asset by adding the first person component to the asset itself....
Group presentation – Samarth Sharma and Jack Clarendon
by ssharm24
- February 28
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Virtual reality is one of the biggest empathy machines in the world right now. This is the reason we chose United Nations Virtual Reality as our subject of study for this presentation. United Nations aims to educate people and raise awareness on various issues surrounding human rights, equality, health and security around the world. They raise money through sharing such stories and statistics with donors, philanthropists, lobbyists, politician and motivate them to feel for specific causes and provide financial and other resources. Virtual reality is a boon to such an...
Assignment 4 by Samarth Sharma
by ssharm24
- February 25
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“Unity is not a user-friendly software,” I was told by a friend who had taken the VR storytelling class before. “It crashes a lot,” he added. Even after hearing these words, I did not lose the excitement to try my hands on a gaming software. A public relations professional who also knows how to use a gaming software! That’s a crucial skill to add on my resume. This was one of the reasons I enrolled in this class. Finally, I am here writing a blog post about my first encounter...
Assignment #3: Samarth Sharma and Jack Clarendon
by ssharm24
- February 18
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After the Syracuse hockey team got suspended, Jack and I had to come up with another strong idea that would justify a 360 video. As discussed with professor Pacheco in class, 360 videos are meant to transport a viewer’s consciousness to a perspective that is not common. Jack and I brainstormed on certain ideas and shortlisted a few. However, the final idea came quite unexpectedly when I was sitting in a lab alone and accidently met Wasim, a former student from professor’s Pacheco’s class. I started conversing with Wasim and...
Assignment: 360 video pitch
by ssharm24
- February 4
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Jack and I mutually agreed to shoot a choreographed ice hockey practice session with two or three players. We thought this was a good idea for a few reasons. Firstly, it will be a fun experience for those who are not accustomed to the game because it will transport viewers to an actual ice ring. Secondly, considering the essence of VR, this video will provide an immersive experience as it will require the viewer to follow the hockey players around the ring. This will keep the viewer occupied and he...
Assignment 1 – VR experience- Samarth Sharma
by ssharm24
- January 20
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My first ever, notable VR experience was when I was accepted by Johns Hopkins University for a graduate program in marketing. I received in mail, a package that had a Johns Hopkin’s cardboard, which enabled me to hook up my IPhone to the same and experience the campus virtually. It was a great marketing and public relations technique, I thought. I could see each classroom and the different buildings of the campus. Not only that, my inquisitiveness led me to explore the campuses of other universities, to which I had...