Originally, I was going to be creating a 360 video of the climate march for my final project but my plans ended up falling through and I was unable to make it to the march. Instead of trying to find another story to do my 360 video on, I decided to create a Unity scene. I am a big lover of sci-fi movies, so I thought it would be cool if I created a sort of alien abduction/alien arrival scene. The scene starts of with the user is at a camp...
Independent Learning – Nadine Buschner
by nnbuschn
- May 8
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For the independent learning assignment, I decided to watch the Scripting in Unity tutorial on Lynda. Although learning a programming language is not an easy feat, I have taken a previous coding class where I learned a bit of C. Unity uses C# for game development which is an easier language than C so I thought I would give it a shot. I want to learn the scripting aspect of Unity because I would like to create games or even apps in the future and I know you need to...
This assignment was a little difficult for me. At first I tried to use the treasure box and have it open and close like the example we did in class, but I was having a lot trouble figuring out how to add the states for it to open and close properly. Finally I just decided to start a new project and do an easy scene of a whale swimming as you approach it.
For this assignment, I decided to create a simple scene using an asset package that had a medieval theme. I added a few little villages to the scene and created paths between each village. To add to the scenery, I made a few mountains that surrounded the villages and also added a lake area. I didn't have too much trouble creating this scene, as our time in class using Unity was very helpful and I have used Unity a few times before on my own. The only problem I...
At first, I was really unsure what I was going to do my video on. I watched a lot of the NYTimes 360 video's, and realized each of the videos had a compelling story behind them. After having lived in an apartment near Thornden Park and spending some time there going on walks and runs during the day, I realized I wanted to create a video that portrayed Thornden Park in a different light and show that it really isn't this scary or bad place that Syracuse University makes it...
My VR Experience
by nnbuschn
- January 23
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The first time I experienced VR was during one of my classes where Professor Pacheco came in with Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard. I put on the Samsung Gear VR headset and was immediately transported to a Cirque du Soleil performance. It was really incredible and I honestly had never experienced something so real that wasn't actually real. Ever since then I have become more and more fascinated with VR/AR and am really interested in how I can tie these technologies with my advertising skills to create an unforgettable experience for consumers. This...