Reflecting back on this awesome semester, I had the opportunity to force myself to think about storytelling in different ways. Learning to overcome obstacles in filming and editing was incredibly valuable. Unlike a lot of people our age, I don't own a GoPro or have never used one for my personal or professional use. I decided to watch Lynda courses that would refine my GoPro skills and make shooting 360 video a little easier. As most of us know, the interface on GoPro cameras is not the most user friendly--...
By Marissa Blanchard @MarissaBlanch As someone who wants to enter the sports communications industry, I researched how virtual reality is being implemented in sports and what the future will hold. You can find the full presentation here: Virtual Reality and Sports NextVR has created a system for capturing and live streaming virtual reality experience in real time and in broadcast quality. Though this experience is limited to Gear VR and Samsung, it shows the power that virtual reality can have on how fans watch and experience live sporting events. STRIVR, stands for...
I'm a huge baseball fan. Growing up a huge Cubs fan I always wondered what it would be like to be on Wrigley Field and see it from the players' perspective. That was my inspiration for this final project. I want to give Syracuse Chief's fans the chance to see what goes on on the fields, in the dugout and maybe even behind the plate. I am in contact with the Director of Multimedia Production and have plans to visit the stadium next week to plan shots and execution of...
Assignment 5 – Marissa Blanchard
by Marissa Blanchard
- February 24
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Hi everyone! I am extremely new to Unity and any type of development programs and coding. The biggest issue I faced was something that didn't come up in class and I didn't know how to tackle. I tried to enter game mode once I completed the assignment and noticed a warning, "All compiler errors must be fixed to enter game mode." I took to the Internet to help solve me problem. Nothing I did could fix the compiler error, but hopefully there is something you all can do to help...
Blanchard Assignment 2
by Marissa Blanchard
- February 2
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Onondaga Lake is an important part of upstate New York, and is constantly in the news-- ways to fix the pollution that seems to be irreversible. I want to create a virtual reality experience around Onondaga Lake, what it is now, what it used to be and what it could be in the future. The outdoor setting (in ideal temperatures) would be a great, controlled space for natural sound and natural light. The subject is the lake and the user experience is lead by framing of each shot. They are...
Blanchard – Assignment One
by Marissa Blanchard
- January 27
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By Marissa Blanchard Last semester I took a course called Trendspotting in Digital Media, and it challenged me to think about implications of technology in new ways. Science nerds create this incredible, advanced technology and media nerds tell stories. Professor Sean Branagan asked the first day: Why don't these two work together more? They have in the past. Television was created and entertainment took to it and adapted. The Internet was born and then YouTube, Facebook and more ways of telling stories. VR needs media people to help give this...