I have several things to share from the c4d skills to unity tips. In the story of my project, there are some crumbled paper and a red dress lying on the ground. I can't find existing model in the assets store so I need to make it by myself. Both two things rely on c4d animations. The process of making models are kind of complicated but the tutorials are great so it should be fine if you follow the steps. I made a crumbled paper model just the same with...
“Have you encountered this situation? When you want to tell your friends on the social media what you are doing, you find that pictures can’t show everything. You want to have a more lifelike way to express yourself but just end in typing a lot and sending similar pictures?” When I ask Richard why his team wants to make the air modeling system, he asks back to me this question. “We plan to create a generally easier, more autonomous, and accurate way to capture and create a 3D model of...
My story is about the mental world of a transgender. He found he would like to be a girl in his childhood. But people surround him teased him, which made him starts to have mental problem. He has had a great time with his boyfriend but they broke up in the end. The whole scene is a imaginary world of him. He was stuck in an endless corridor. The process of finding a way out is also his trying of knowing himself thoroughly. I used playmaker to make the animation...
Final Project Pitch-The Endless Corridor
by Meng Fu
- April 13
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Speaking of the huge change VR may cause, the first thing I can think of is horror scene. We always watch horror movies or play horror video in front of the screen, which means, we are always bystander. So, what if we can experience the horror ourselves? My goal is to make an endless corridor where the story happens. You will experience a nightmare, finding someone is chasing you and want to tell you something but you can't see him. You need to find the answer of what't going on by...
Assignment 5 – Meng Fu
by Meng Fu
- February 22
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I just find some interesting models of zombies and soldiers so I make a scene like they are facing out. I managed to animate them and attached the sound (however I don't know how to record sound from the computer by Quick Time). Things I still want to try is to make them move and make collision volume. Also I don't know how to let sound appear just when I am walk near them. I believe theses things are really important if we want to make the scene more real.
Assignment 2
by Meng Fu
- January 31
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Story Outline: A girl is walking on the street. Suddenly a guy runs towards her and grabs her bag. The girl chases him and finally gives up after several minutes. The guy finds that he is succeed so he stops running and start to check the bag. When he is opening the purse, a police comes and asks what is he doing. The man fails to conceal his crime but surprisingly the police doesn’t arrest him. He takes the bag and ask the man to go, warning him not to...
My first experience of VR Meng Fu
by Meng Fu
- January 27
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I always love new technical things which is interesting and innovating. I had heard of VR and AR many years but I hadn’t experienced it until the last semester. As long as I have tried it several times now, I can say that VR is amazing! I have tried two kinds of VR facility. One works with smart phones. There is one called Sumsung Gear VR and others made by cardboard. And the other – the famous Oculus Rift - needs to connect with computer. Both of them have unique feature and gave me another world when I used it. The cardboard viewer enables you to carry the facility conveniently and it is cheaper. You can lie...