Wayfinding for tagAR by Lenny Martinez Link to my final project pitch: http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assingment-07-final-pitch/ This semester I chose to do an apprenticeship with Renée Stevens who has been working on an Augmented Reality app for iOS devices. Her app is named tagAR and you can see a quick prototype here: https://vimeo.com/229070725. The goal of the app is to replace the "Hello, my name is" tags at conferences and help better connect people using the power of AR technology and the phones we always carry around. For my final project, I was...
Independent Learning : Learning Swift
by Lenny Martinez
- December 11
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Learning Swift by Lenny Martinez For my final project, I was putting together the pieces of what I've been learning this semester under Renée Stevens while she works on her first augmented reality app, tagAR. tagAR is being built for iOS currently, so it's built on Swift. I'll share a little bit about my experience learning to code in Swift. But first, what's Swift? Swift is a programming language developed and maintained by Apple. It's used to build apps for Apple's iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. So, if you're really...
Assingment 07: Final Pitch
by Lenny Martinez
- November 1
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Assignment 06 – Mixamo Scene
by Lenny Martinez
- October 24
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By Lenny Martinez https://youtu.be/1i6cNnw-k0o For this, I just wanted to try and make the character trigger other animations. Right now, the animation runs one loop, but if a third state is added to of the left & right goals, the animation should go on. I didn't have the time to test it. The key to getting it to work was to add colliders and a rigidbody component to AJ, the Mixamo character.
The Enemy VR Experience, Lenny Martinez
by Lenny Martinez
- October 16
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Assignment 05 Interactive Unity Scene
by Lenny Martinez
- October 15
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By Lenny Martinez For my animation, I use the toilet as the central trigger. When I close enough to it, some things happen: 1) The metal plate is hidden; 2) Text stating that the "Toilet is very green!" pops up; 3) The y-bot aA Mixamo character) expresses Agony. When you step away, the scene resets and a flushing sound is heard. The entirety of the interaction is based on the actions: Activate Game Object and Play Sound. It's definitely an unusual set of objects to have in a scene, but...
Assignment 4: Create a Scene in Unity
by Lenny Martinez
- October 8
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By Lenny Martinez If you just want to see me move around in it: https://youtu.be/shQUnTmgAaM The world I’m trying to build in this Unity scene is one that’s out of time and reminiscent of a lost temple and loosely based on the concept of a Lost Ground from the video game series .hack//G.U. (http://dothack.wikia.com/wiki/Lost_Grounds). I started building my Lost Ground by looking through the Asset store for free statues. At first, I had tried to use these dragon pillar statues, but then I settled on the lion statue after I...
Assignment 3: 360 Video Production
by Lenny Martinez
- October 1
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by Lenny Martinez You can see DINNER at this link: https://youtu.be/m0fLvTi9V-I You can read the original pitch here: http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment-02-vr-video-pitch-lenny-martinez/ What changed? So after taking up the project, we scoped the project down to something we could better manage with the time and resources we had available. Our biggest changes were: We changed the perspective of the viewer from being a person in the scene to being an object (in this case, pita chips on a plate). We scrapped the family dinner and instead arrived at a roommate interview scenario by...
Assignment 02: VR Video Pitch
by Lenny Martinez
- September 10
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by Lenny Martinez For a 360 video, I’m pitching a family dinner that is full of unexpected finds. I think the power of 360 video lies in exploration of the “frame” and I want to create a story that can be followed on multiple threads and where not everything is as it appears at first glance. The Scene A dinner table for 4. It’s important to have a clear but limited view of the kitchen as well as the entire dining table. Three actors: mom, dad, child sibling. Up close...
Assignment 01 — My VR experience, or “Interactivity is Key”
by Lenny Martinez
- September 3
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Author: Lenny Martinez My first virtual reality experience was trying out Karim Ben Khelifa’s “The Enemy” (http://theenemyishere.org/) in September 2016. “The Enemy” brings humanity to the idea of “the other” by placing soldiers from select conflicts and hearing their answers to the same set of conflict-specific questions. For the experience, I put on a headset and carried a backpack that had the laptop that made sure I was connected to the experience. It was heavy, but it was the way the team was able to get multiple people to experience...