For my final project, I did a tour of the iSchool. Here is is below:
For my independent learning assignment, I decided to focus on audio. I've never really worked with audio devices such as Tascams and Lav mics, so I thought this would be a great time to try it out, especially given my project. My project had tour guides walk through multiple areas in the iSchool, often outside or during busy high-volume times (such as graduate student presentations). As a result, dedicated mics were necessary, as it helped isolate the tour guides' voices. Throughout the process, I had to learn and troubleshoot numerous...
Assignment 8 — Kyle Desiderio
by krdeside
- April 4
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For this assignment I used the Sprout application to scan a bag of skittles. It turned out really well and after putting it in Unity is looked like an actual bag of skittles! The only weakness with the program was that I couldn't scan the back and I wasn't able to upload it to the website. However, I've put a picture below so you can see what it looks like.
Assignments 5 & 6: Desiderio
by krdeside
- March 7
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I decided to build upon my farm scene from my last assignment. In the scene, when the player walks up to the town, a spaceship takes a cow and flies away, before returning back to the original position. I also downloaded an Elvis texture and walking animation from Mixamo. While the cow is being abducted, he saunters (because he has to stay in character) to protect his other cow, which he clearly likes better. I suppose in this story he has become exiled from his partying life in Vegas and...
Assignment 4 Desiderio
by krdeside
- February 25
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I created a small farm town in Unity with many different types of houses and farm animals. Everything seems normal until you look up and see a cow being taken by a UFO! It was a fun small scene to make and learn the ropes of Unity, but I definitely have a few ideas of some different ways I could have expanded the scene’s scale. While I was able to eventually get the sound to work, I wasn’t able to record it on QuickTime. Overall, it was great to play...
Assignment 3: Kyle Desiderio
by krdeside
- February 18
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Our group continued with our project, filming a traditional American Super Bowl party. During the actual Super Bowl, I set the scene, finding places for the camera that would place the viewer “in the center of it all.” Especially, in the first few shots in the kitchen, I tried to position as many things away from each other as possible, so Ryan would have to go all around the room to get all of his necessary utensils. This helped make for a much more dynamic scene, especially once sped up,...
Our group’s idea was to record a traditional college Super Bowl party, from start to finish. The Super Bowl has always been an classic “American” holiday, and we felt we could tell a compelling story from the event. We started out in the kitchen, where Ryan (our cook) would run around the kitchen getting the necessary ingredients to make his Super Bowl meal; chicken wings, macaroni and cheese, etc. We placed the camera at normal-height level in the middle of the kitchen, so the viewer could see Ryan running around...
Coming into this class, I’ve had some experience with 360 degree video in headsets (where you are static in a fixed area and can look around) but I’ve never experienced VR stories or games. As a result, I first gravitated towards HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Immediately, the feeling of being completely immersed in this fictional and decidedly not real world is extremely jarring. Being immersed in this uncanny world, yet looking down and not being able to see your legs is a weird feeling to say the least. For me, the most challenging...