It was a long and winding odyssey, but I present to you the screencast of my final project (Note: Without the audio, this does not have nearly the full effect. If someone knows how to take a screencast w/audio, I would love to redo this): If you have the chance, view the full file on Unity in the Innovation Lab, as audio plays a huge role in the story. *I do not own the rights to any of the music and as such this is for personal use only* The reason...
Social Media and VR
by jrosen03
- April 19
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This project took a while to master, but I got it now. My sounds are still a little dissonant, but overall I am happy with it.
Space in Space: 360
by jrosen03
- March 22
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I've never done any type of computer animation before so getting to learn and try out Unity is extremely exciting for me. With that said, I am satisfied with my first project but I am looking forward to learning more PlayMaker and making more complex and interesting scenes. For my project, I decided to do a picnic by the beach. Everyone knows that the whale is mandatory as well, so I through her in there too. As far as what went well, I feel that I was really able to...
I initially had a lot of trouble coming up with an idea for a video, so I watched probably a dozen of the NYT Daily 360 videos. A common theme out of those videos was unless there was a news angle to them, most of them just showed off specific locations with a little information about each place. So, I decided to take that concept and run with it, hence, A Day in the Life of a Syracuse University student. I shot at three locations on campus: in Newhouse,...
Don’t Be a Bystander
by jrosen03
- February 25
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I remember in the beginning watching all of the videos in class but I can't remember seeing one that was a PSA or an ad of some kind, and that's where the original inspiration for this video came from. When people traditionally think about sexual assault, they tend to think of two people: the victim and the perpetrator. We intended for this video to shed light on the idea that this problem doesn't only include two people. We are all bystanders. With that being...
360 Video Pitch
by jrosen03
- February 1
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I have an idea of the narrative I want to tell, but not how it will fully play out yet. However, this one scene will set the tone for the video. The scene would be a house party, with the first scene being in a large living room. The subjects will be relatively close to the camera, with some movement occurring nearby, such as dancing, talking or drinking games. For the opening scene the camera will be at a sitting level, as it is toward the beginning of the party and...