360 video of the Polar Plunge on 12/6/15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UjJcQcl6ZM
Assignment 8 Link — Team 1
by Caitlin G
- December 10
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"Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline (SPOILER ALERTS) "Ready Player One" is a novel written in 2011 by Ernest Cline. It is a science fiction and dystopian story about the future. The book is set in the year 2044, where Earth is a very ugly place, overrun by overpopulation, unemployment, and energy shortages. The main protagonist, eighteen-year-old Wade Watts, is a very poor young man who only feels alive when he's plugged inside the virtual reality utopia known as the OASIS. Like for most people living on Earth, the OASIS is a...
For some reason, when I tried adding sound to one of my older scenes, the scene wouldn't load for some reason. It said all of the assets were there, but they weren't showing up on the left. So I just ended up making a new scene. I put a bunch of animated lions around a watering hole and put "Circle of Life" from the film The Lion King. I added some sounds of the lions roaring into the scene to give it a little more life. Overall, this assignment was...
This project was... potentially awesome but turned out to be very frustrating. The assignment said to create a scene from something you did over the summer. One of the more exciting things I did over the summer was travel out of the country for the first time. I went to the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. I was there for the duration of the 2 week long festival, interning for a small film company, seeing amazing movies, meeting important people, and enjoying the surroundings. After that experience, I headed...
I was on the video team when we were going over this project, so I fell a little behind. But I found Mixamo and Fuse easy to use and got the hang of both things fairly quickly. I definitely wish I would've known about these programs 3 years ago... would've made my life a lot simpler. I had a lot of fun messing around with Mixamo and Fuse for this project. Since I found out that we could have the characters do the "Thriller" dance by Michael Jackson, I...
This assignment was... incredibly frustrating. Originally, I wanted to do a super elaborate interactive scene where the player is on a farm. I wanted the player to start off in a farm house and be able to walk around in the scene, exploring the various parts of the farm. The player would be able to open gates, jump over fences, witness animals walking around, and interact with the animals, as they either run away from you or come up to you as you approach them. I also wanted to have...
Here are some cool programs/ websites/ tutorials/ books I have used ~ Caitlin 3D modeling (programs): - Zbrush (can get it free -- best for organic models) - Maya (can get a free student account -- best for inorganic models) - Source Filmmaker (lots of models you can animate for fun -- good practice) Texturing (programs): - Maya (can get a free student account) - Mudbox (can get a free student account -- goes along w/ Maya) - Quixel Suite ($50 for student version) - Photoshop (use with your UV...
Assignment 2 was a lot of fun, but also caused me some headache. Originally, I wanted to do an intricate battle scene between futuristic looking characters on the surface of the moon. However, those dreams were quickly squashed when the futuristic characters I found in the asset store and online failed to work when I uploaded them into Unity. So I decided to change the focus of my project to just a moon landing with some astronauts, space ships, and other space-related objects. I took to a program called "World...
I loved the class we had today. I have experienced VR before, but I've never been able to play with 2 different headsets in one sitting and for that extended period of time. During class, I experienced three different worlds first hand: a Mario castle, being a giant dragon who can breathe fire, and a cirque de soleil performance. Two of the worlds I visited were more stylized and one made me feel like I was actually there. Storytelling is definitely a huge part of the VR experience as a...