My original intrigue to take this VR Storytelling class was to learn how I could use virtual reality in order to tell journalistic stories. As a broadcast journalist, I've had experience in learning how to tell a story through video, but I wanted to expand my technological knowledge in order to tell stories in a different way. The point of telling stories through journalism is to teach the public about something that they don't have knowledge on already. 360° filming offers a unique and immersive experience for the viewer into...
In the editing process of my final project for the VR Storytelling class, I found that I didn't know as much about Adobe Premiere as I thought I did... for starters, I didn't realize that 360° videos could be edited in Premiere. This lead me to a Lynda course on learning about the basics of Premiere. The first important thing that I learned about Premiere comes with exporting. When we originally tried to export our final video, we exported it in .mov not realizing that there would be an issue if...
I did my presentation on the brand new features being offered by YouTube in regards to 360 video and audio. This was first released on Monday, April 18th for the Coachella Music Festival so that viewers could experience being at the festival in 360-degree video. This experienced was further enhanced with the addition of spatial audio technologies to enhance to auditory and immersive aspects of the musical performances. Here is the link to my presentation:
Elevator Pitch: Black Box Players
by bkglatz
- March 31
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The Black Box Players is a theater group on the Syracuse University campus in which performers are able to explore theater in a group of other dedicated actors. For my final project, I would like to create an immersive 360° video which brings the audience into various aspects of what the Black Box Players do. This would include scenes from circle script reads where the actors sit in a circle and read for the characters in the play. This would be great for 360° because the camera would be placed in the center...
Glatz Assignment 7
by bkglatz
- March 11
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In this assignment, I was able to make a Mixamo character walk from one place to another and then walk backwards to that space as if she was doing a moon walk. One of the problems that I ran into was that I was having a hard time getting the playmaker information to go form State 2 to State 3. Additionally, for some reason I couldn't export my project by building and running. This is why I just did my screen capture through Unity. There was apparently some error in...
Glatz Interactive Unity Project Assignment 6
by bkglatz
- March 4
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This interactive Unity Project was probably my most frustrating project yet. I can now say that I can create a scene in Unity in 5 minutes flat because of the number of times I had to start from scratch on this scene because either Unity had a glitch, it closed out of my project before I could save it, or the saved file was some how corrupted. I followed the Youtube tutorials online to learn how to make the treasure box open but for some reason I couldn't make that...
Glatz Assignment 5
by bkglatz
- February 23
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The scene that I created is mountainous with some forestry and an assortment of objects. The main purpose of this was to explore and become more comfortable using Unity. Along the way I had a lot of questions and I definitely think I'll need more guidance and practice, but I'm already starting to feel more comfortable with the program than I originally thought I would. One thing that I never really figured out how to do was create creators. I saw other people making them by holding the shift...
Assignment 2: Brooke Glatz
by bkglatz
- February 1
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The general idea for this 360 video is to bring the viewers into a room with therapy pets so that people who can't physically be in the presence of the animals are still able to receive the benefits of therapy from them. The Scene: a small room, ideally one that is warm and comforting-- as opposed to harsh white walls-- to create a therapeutic environment. The only movement would really come from the animals in the room which would depend on how energetic they were. Ideally the subjects ( the...