Assignment 6: Using Mixamo and Playmaker to animate characters
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- August 27
- in
Focus: Get a character from Mixamo and assign an animation to it. Use Playmaker to trigger the animation.
Requirements: Make sure your character does the following at a minimum:
- Move from one point to another based on a trigger event.
- Animate while moving.
- Return to its original spot based on another trigger.
- Make a sound.
Extra credit: Two points extra credit each will be given if you can do the following: also trigger a second animation in the same character, as Mixamo or Unity appears to have changed something that makes this no longer work the same way. You may need to do some independent learning about
- Trigger a second animation in the same character, as Mixamo or Unity appears to have changed something that makes this no longer work the same way. You may need to do some independent learning about Mechanim and the Animator component.
- Create and animate your own character using Fuse.
How to Turn it In: Create a screencast of your scene in Unity that shows the interactivity with the Playmaker window open so that it's clear that the logic is set up correctly. Post this to YouTube and embed the YouTube video in a class blog entry. If you did anything you are particularly proud of, feel free to mention that in your post.
Due: Sunday, Oct. 22 at midnight