Assignment 7 – Carly Port
by Carly Port
- November 7
- in
This project presented an opportunity for me to really understand the nitty gritty of triggers within Playmaker. I experienced no difficulty with downloading a Mixamo character and animation, after I quickly realized that I needed to place the Mixamo charatcer with the attached animation into my project in order to be able to trigger said animation within my Scene. I had a firm grasp as to how to trigger an animation from the previous assignment, but I struggled significantly with the movement between states of my Mixamo character.
My first issue I ran into was what events, Trigger Enter, Trigger Exit, Finished, etc., I should trigger in my various states. My aim was to have my Mixamo character, Douglas, moving along a triangular path, beginning and ending at my original cube box collider. The goal was for Douglas to begin at said box collider that was placed on a cube over top of him as my initial trigger, then proceed to a new cube, triggering Douglas to move to a third cube and finally return to the initial cube. I experienced frustration with my logic until I realized that the logic I had panned out for Douglas required that my First Person Controller move in and out of the original box collider in order to trigger all of the following events and movements to occur. At first, I would move in and out quickly as I had in the previous assignment, however I didn't realize this caused Douglas to begin moving on his first path and then quickly move to the second path. Douglas's movement to Cube Position 1 was linked to 'Entering the Trigger' and his movement to Cube Position 2 was linked to 'Exiting the Trigger.' By slowing down, I was able to give Douglas the necessary allotment of time to move between the various cubes, eventually allowing the 3rd cube to trigger his movement back to his beginning location. I experienced no difficulty with the animation continuously playing along his path, as this was very much in line with what I had implemented in my previous assignments.
One thing I am still trying to figure out is how to allow Douglas to move between the three states with solely the initial movement of my first person controller into a trigger. I want to be able to Enter a Trigger and allow the rest of his movement to happen automatically rather than me having to enter, exit and re-enter the trigger. I experimented with several different things to make this occur: adding 3 'I Tween Move To' actions with finished events to one state; placing finished states between each event; making Douglas my first person controller. So far, I cannot figure out how to make this happen without me moving the first person controller in and out of the original box collider, but I would love suggestions as to how I might implement this!