Assignment 7 Carla Sertin: Never trust creepy kids who tell you to follow them
by Carla Sertin
- March 11
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Have you ever been the life of the party? Had everyone groan when you said you had to leave? I imagine it's something like the crux of this Unity game.
I added Mixamo characters to my original creepy city scene. I had some trouble with making the young girl walk on the terrain instead of under it... It's still not where I want it to be, but much better than before. The triggers are five spheres and a cube. I attached animation and audio to the player entering and exiting the trigger area to make the most of each trigger. As such, the video is a bit choppy -- I kept having to select different spheres to demonstrate the logic.
While the logic isn't set up to return the characters to their original position I could easily have done it, it just didn't have any merit in terms of story. To do that, I would have set up a cube where the character started and where they ended, set a sphere with a trigger enter transition leading to state with actions 'itween move to' the cube and 'animation play.' I would set another state with a trigger exit transition that had the same actions as the first state, but moving to the original position, and then I would have looped them together so that every time the player exits/enters the listener, the character moves to the appropriate cube.