Assignment 6: Playmaker and Maximo: Osung
by oskwan
- October 22
- in
Since it is pretty much similar to the assignment 5, I made an Unity build and recorded the playing in other room (and I didn't want to bother other classmates in lab 205 with the sound)
FSM tree is quite simple. When player touch the trigger area(invisible), Uncle M (muscle man with catwalk) approach poor Remy and leaving the area, Uncle M run away.
Uncle M is my own customized character built in Adobe Fuse. Uploaded on Mixamo and downloaded with animation. Remy came form Mixamo. The moving points of Uncle M are invisible objects(removed the meshes and left only the colliders).
I gave dismal background sound to the far away window wall and insensitive humming to Uncle as ambient sound to make the scene a bit comical.