Assignment 6: Carla Sertin finds treasure
by Carla Sertin
- March 5
- in
Simple Playmaker test: Finding treasure!
As the magic floating disco ball moves over a long distance, I used two trigger zones. They're rigged so that the ball moves when the player enters the zone, and again when they exit it.
I attempted a more complicated animation but couldn't get it to work -- I was using a Mixamo character and think I may have imported it wrong/done something to the settings that they cannot forgive. I tried to make a character fade when the player entered a trigger zone using "Set Visibility" action in Playmaker. I wasn't able to get it right. I then tried to "Play Animation" and have it change when the player moved into the trigger zone, but it just played the first animation. I settled with this for now, and will work on getting more comfortable with Mixamo characters and slightly more complicated animations.