Assignment 5-Renyan Jiang
by Renyan Jiang
- February 23
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My Unity video:
My scene is about an isolate island where an accident just happened. When the player walks into my scene, he would find out that there are two damaged cars, several steel rods and oil drums are scattered around the island. And for some reasons, almost the whole island drowns in the flood.
To create the scene, I add the terrain with two textures - sand and stone- to portray the images of the beach and mountains. I, then, plant the woods and add some benches to make this scene more vividly. I want to create a daytime scene and specifically around noon with big sunshine, so that I choose a skybox that merely has any clouds but in pure blue, and beyond, add the spot light with an angle of 80 degree. I increase the intensity of the light to 1.84 to create shadows of the objects. I intentionally want to make this scene a place where mysterious accidents happen, so when I sought 3d materials online, I typed and chose those damaged fodders. And I rotated the objects and have them drown into the water to fit the story.
3D modeling isn't new to me since I've learnt the C4d last semester, yet the first attempt using Unity is far more intractable than I thought. Search, import and add the skybox to the scene has been the most frustrated step during the entire process. Most of the assets I'm interested in have a price tag, and the few that I would like to use are not adaptive to this Unity version. I've down loaded four different skyboxes but only one can be found in the system. Moreover, I have deleted the sound of the first person's movements and add sound to the damaged cars but none of the sound come out properly with the video.
There are certain things I am really curious about and want to add to the scene to make it more like a real world, such as curve the edge of the water, and add the key frame and create transformation to the objects. Ideally, I would like to picture a scene where the player could walk around and find the solution to unlock the puzzle, and the sea level would rise and drop according to his or her performance. It could be a story of a real life event- a reproduction of a criminal case, and the first person would play as a detective.
In order to make it more interesting, I would animate the car and create links and tips of the solution between those 3d materials. As the user moves through the scene, he or she would hear various directional sound or witness the change of the objects. He or she would as well find small useful collections that would help solving the puzzle when gets inside the car or sits on the bench. I believe those elements would grab the users attention and keep the interest in a high level.