Assignment 5 : Playmaker Interactive : Osung Kwan
by oskwan
- October 22
- in
This is my assignment 5 (late due to baby birth).
Some highlights I would like to mention are following:
- tweaked the Playmaker FSM a little bit. After stage 2, there are two branches, one is going back to idle state when player leave the trigger area, the other is when Golem reach poor Remy, he screams.
- Made trigger invisible. It actually located on the right before the corner but I removed the mesh(the object is cube), so only the trigger collider remains.
- Built closed space.
- Poor Remy came from Mixamo with his scared animation.
- It is not clear in the clip but I solved my former problem with ambient sound. The reason 3D sound didn't work was not in the audio source but in the listener. There were two listeners before: one is first person controller, the other was default main camera. After removing the listener in camera, I could make the player experience ambient sound.