Assignment 5: Make a scene interactive with Playmaker
by jschonbo
- October 14
- in
-Julian Schoenbohm
For this assignment, I wanted to add something to my existing Bank Robbery scene. I wanted to make the crash site more interactive so that the subject can see the police cars and the helicopter arriving as soon as he gets to the crash site. I also wanted to add some explosions at the crash site.
As soon as the subject enters the crash site, an explosion takes place. First, I wanted to make the explosion trigger another animation. To be more precise, I wanted the explosion to trigger the police cars and the helicopter arriving. Since I had used the Action "Create Object" for the explosion, it was not possible to use it as a trigger for another animation. The reason is that the explosion itself was not listed in the list of assets up until it was created by the action.
For that reason I chose to use the "Trigger Stay" command for triggering the cars and the helicopter. I used the action "Move towards" for this scene. This was pretty easy for the cars, since they are just moving on the ground. As you need to define an object where the moving object arrives and the helicopter is obviously just moving in the sky, it was a little bit more difficult as for the cars. I ended up placing a cube in the sky which should be the destination object for the helicopter. Afterwards I deactivated its Mesh Renderer, which allowed me to make the object invisible, but still present in the scene.
Finally, I wanted to make the scene with the bandit interactive as well. For the last assignment, I was wondering how it is possible to let the bandit speak only once when you arrive at the church. With Playmaker this was pretty easy. I chose to use the "Mouse Down" command so that the subject has to click on the bandit, after which he will be told to leave the place.
Working with Playmaker may seem to be a little bit difficult at the beginning, but as soon as you understand the logic behind it, it is actually very easy. And again, there are tons of tutorials on Youtube that provided me with an answer for nearly every question.