Assignment 1: Yeagee Jung
by yjung04
- January 21
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This was my first experience really with any sort of VR technology. I found it to be a fascinating medium because of the way that the user could immerse themselves into the experience. I used the Oculus and the Samsung headset and I found both to be super interesting just because of the way that they differed. I felt that the Oculus really was a surrounding experience where I felt like I was put into that scenario, and the Samsung headset gave me more of a looking into somewhere from somewhere else experience. I got a little dizzy from the Samsung one only because I was spinning around so much trying to see everything. I think the difference between the two experiences was that with one, the screen resolution and the head tracking was much more fluid than with the Samsung one. All in all, I think this is a fantastic budding story-telling device and I really enjoyed the overall experience.