Assignment 1-Ken Harper
by Kyle Ott
- January 21
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While my experience with VR and AR is relatively limited I will say the best experience I had with this new technology was getting to sail through Middle Earth on the Oculus Rift.
Although the scene was relatively simple (just a boat sailing down a river towards two stone statues) it had the benefit of being set in an overarching narrative framework. Because of this overarching Narrative structure I was better able to immerse myself in this world. However, this was not a direct result of the VR simulation itself, but a reflection of the pre-existing story.
Throughout the entire simulation I felt exhilarated and excited. Many of the smaller details, like ripples in the water and markings on the statues made me feel like I was a part of the world. I really did feel like I was physically present in that world, although I was always conscious of the fact that it was a simulation.
I was lucky that I didn't feel any nausea during my time in the scene. I believe this was because of how slow moving and linear the scene was. I wasn't able to move of my own volition and had to float down a river in what amounted to a straight line.
The only uncanny details I noticed in the scene was that the water had a shiny, oil-like appearance rather then looking like water.
My experience was directly affected by the resolution of the images. I believe if I had a higher resolution, better graphics, greater texture detail, etc. I would have felt more immersed in the world. To the scene's credit though I was able to look around and not feel any lagginess or choppiness. The one thing that the simulation didn't have was good sound. Although there was the occasional lapping of water there was no auditory aspect that really captured my attention.