An Interstellar Fail
by bebelo
- February 25
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For our first assignment with Unity I sought out to create a space inspired by a specific scene from Christopher Nolan's, Interstellar. The scene I drew inspiration shows the main character, plumiting through space, time and various dimensions, and landing in what we might consider 5th dimension that we have not yet discovered. The space is surrounded by grid lines, stars, and darkness but gives off an alluring curiosity.
With the space I created I attempted to use a similar gridded background to set the scene but branched off to create a more concrete, but thematically similar in it's abstract nature, space. I inserted transparent planets, stars, and star clusters with colored light.
In the video shown the scene looks a bit more other worldly than I intended and saw within Unity; however I've inserted photos from the program to show the original form. I'm not really sure why the scene looked this way when I went to do the screencast, but I have a feeling it has to with the resolution/size of the file.
In an ideal world, this space would be a lot vaster and would enable the person interacting with the be able to transport themselves through the space by walking through the stars or even through black holes. To potentially simulate what it'd be like to travel through a black hole would be really amazing. It's something the world has been looking to interpret and understand for years.
In moving forward I would love to put an artistic spin on this interpretation. In the film Nolan show's us his own interpretation, this was mixed with logic and a bit of fantasy;however, I think what was truly moving about these scenes were not the scientific accuracy behind it but the dreamlike beauty of the scenes.They felt personal, as if you were sat alongside the subjects of the film, waiting for the other side of the portal as well. With that being said I would use this to create an experience that moves the viewer and feels as if they're not only being transported to another world but being transported into a world that is potentially their own.