9/20/2017 Lecture Notes
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- September 20
- in
3:45-3:40: Housekeeping
- Sign up for a research presentation time over the next week. Make sure it's for a day you are in class!
- Next Wednesday, guest lecture by Amber Bartosh and Elizabeth Kreitemeyer on VR for architecture. Read about their work in SU Magazine.
- Grad students: Amber is recruiting for people to help with these VR projects. If interested, ask her about them next week!
3:50-4: Deconstruct Wasim's video
- Check out Wasim's video of SUNY Binghamton. How do you think he achieved these effects in Premiere?
4-4:15: Other helpful Premiere stuff
4:15-5:05: Create and export one video.
- Upload it to YouTube as Unlisted and email to me. We can bring them up on Cardboard for people to check out.
- Copy the MP4 to a flash drive and bring to the innovation lab.