9/21 Lecture Notes
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- September 21
- in
11-11:10: Housekeeping
- Sign up for a research presentation time over the next week. Make sure it's for a day you are in class!
- Make sure you have filled out the Google spreadsheet of video teams.
- I will be in S. Korea next week. Next Tuesday, guest lecture by Jason Webb on creating 3D models in Maya. Next Thursday, optional guest lecture by Prof. Ken Harper. Get expert feedback on your 360 videos.
- Grad students: Amber Bartosh from the Architecture school is recruiting for people to help with these VR projects. If interested, ask her about them next week!
- I need volunteers to take people through the Hiroshima experience on Oct. 25 & 26.
11:10-11:20: Deconstruct Wasim's video
- Check out Wasim's video of SUNY Binghamton. How do you think he achieved these effects in Premiere?
11:20-11:30: Other helpful Premiere stuff
- More stuff from NHMediaHelp.
- Audio.
- Other tips?
11:30-12:20: Try to export one video.
- Upload it to YouTube as Unlisted and email to me. We can bring them up on Cardboard for people to check out.
- Copy the MP4 to a flash drive and bring to the innovation lab.