4/25 Lecture Notes
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- April 25
- in
5:15-5:30: Housekeeping
- Course evaluations.
- Don't forget the Independent learning post!
- Shared Unity assets and how to request new ones
- How to turn in final projects
- Create a screencast and upload to YouTube.
- Write a blog post with the YouTube embedded.
- Create an export of your project for the VR headset you are building it for (Oculus, Vive).
- Put your export into the Final Projects folder on the desktop of the PC for your headset. Use your name as the folder title.
- Make sure you test the project in the Oculus or Vive.If your project is in Unity:
- If your project is a 360 video:
- Write a blog post with the YouTube embedded.
- Copy the full MP4 file to the Oculus PC, inside Final Project folder. Use your name as the folder title.
- Make sure you test the MP4 in the Oculus using the GoPro VR app.
5:30-5:45: Find and news
5:45-6:15: Diversity discussion
- My own diversity journey
- Campus diversity issues, and our society's larger cultural issues around ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities and humanity
- How can VR and its ability to create empathy help? How could it hurt?
- Presentation.
6:15-6:45: Brainstorm
6:45-7:05: Presentation
- Joel Sherman, horror and VR.
7:05-8: Work time
- Work on your project.
- Learn with Prof. Pacheco about how to use the Virtual Reality Toolkit.
- Or ... do your course evaluation 🙂
Thanks for a great semester, and see most of you at graduation where you get a FREE HUG from me if you want it!!!!