3/7/2018 Lecture Notes: Playmaker and Mixamo
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- March 7
- in
5:15-5:30: Housekeeping
- Schedule has changed. Note that Assignments 5 and 6 are both due together the Friday after Spring Break.
- Assignment 5: Make a scene interactive in Playmaker
- Assignment 6: Use Mixamo to animate avatars with Playmaker
- Check out some inspiring ones from last semester ....
- Assignment 7, due March 25, is to pitch your final project. You will pitch in a pitch session March 28, and the best pitch (chosen by all of you) will win a cool prize. 🙂
- The latest in VR news ...
5:30-6: Recap of Playmaker
6-6:30: Mixamo and character animation
- Using Mixamo.com characters. See this tip sheet.
- Triggering animations in playmaker
- Advanced: Importing your own body scan into Mixamo!
6:30-7: Fuse
- Fuse, and how it works (when it works)
- Importing Fuse characters into Mixamo
7-8: Work on your TWO assignments
Have a great Spring Break!