5:15-5:25: Housekeeping
- We now have an HP Sprout 3D scanner / workstation.
- We also soon will have two backpack VR systems, one with a Vive and one with a Windows "Mixed Reality" VR headset.
- HP is giving them to us for free through Educause to test things out. If you want to use these technologies, come up with a final project idea that can utilize them.
- Industry news, finds...
5:25-5:50: Presentations
- Samarth Sharma
- Jack Clarendon
Assignment 4 examples
- Kyle, cow and UFO: http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment-4-desiderio/
- Brian: fireworks: http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment-4-brian-shantz/
- Wenwen, waterfall: http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment4_erin_qiu/
- Tania, beach scene. http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment-4-tania-joseph/
- Samarth, beach scene. How did he make the water? http://www.vrstorytelling.org/assignment-4-by-samarth-sharma/
5:50-6:45: Playmaker
- Download the zip I emailed to you earlier today.
- Examples of what Playmaker can let you do, from past projects:
- In-person demonstration of what we're going to do ... with volunteers!
- Demonstration of how Playmaker works and what it lets you do.
6:45-715: Now, you try
- See if you can get a scene set up where one object triggers another object to move from one point to another, then move back.
- You can refer to this step by step instruction sheet and video if you get lost.
- Or go through the Hutong Games tutorials for Playmaker.
- ADVANCED: Experiment with other actions and triggers, such as:
- Audio Play
- Trigger an animation
- Make an object that you click move your player controller smoothly along a track
7:15-8: Assignment 5 work time