10/30/2017 Lecture Notes
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- October 30
- in
3:45-4: Research Presentations
- Shiyi Liu,BBC VR
4-4:20: The 3D Web
- WebGL and WebVR
- Three.js
- Chrome Experiments
- AFrame
4:20-4:40: Final project brainstorming with a buddy
- Assignment 7 is to pitch your final project (we will do that Wednesday). Pair up with another student you don't know that well and share what you plan to do, using the checklist from the assginment as a rough outline. Think of at least three problems or unknowns you may encounter and share it with your buddy. Your job is to each troubleshoot for each other. The goal is to have a plan for success even if you run into problems along the way.
4:40-5:05: Insta360 Pro!
The camera is here. Let's check it out and see what we can make it do 🙂